
Welcome to Beginnings Birth & Wellness Center. As a midwife, I believe that pregnancy and birth are normal life processes and strive to support families in their journey to parenthood – whether for the first time or the tenth. Midwives believe that natural birth is something that most women are completely capable of, if they are supported and empowered to do so.

Beginnings Birth is a free standing center where you can birth your baby with many of the comforts of home, or I will come to you so that you can have your baby in your home. We have options for water birth at the birth center or at your home. We want you to choose where you are most comfortable, and are happy to help you decide what is best for you and your family.

Beginnings Birth & Wellness Center offer additional resources to all families, including childbirth education classes, parent groups, breastfeeding classes, and community events. We are also happy to connect you with anything in the community that you might be looking for – feel free to call with whatever you need.

Jennifer & Emma

Our Birth Center

Our birth center is designed with your comfort in mind. With cozy rooms, big beds, soft fabrics, beautiful colors, and fluffy pillows, we want our space to feel like your space.

Because all of your prenatal appointments are in our birth center, you will get to know the space well, and it will become a familiar place to you long before labor begins.

Home Birth

Home birth is an experience that is unlike any other. We will happily support you in your decision to stay in your home to birth your baby.​

holding hands
Water Baby

Water Birth

Using water for labor and/or birth is something that many of our clients choose, and one we recommend whether you birth here or at home.

VBAC / Breech / Twins

Hoping for a VBAC or to deliver your breech baby or twins vaginally? Please know that you do have options in Yavapai County.